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Top 8 Email Follow Up Best Practices

When it comes to email, follow up is one of the most important things you can do to maximize engagement and traffic to your site or business. A successful email campaign has been designed in order to promote a repeat visit, which is why it’s so crucial to use effective follow up strategies.

As we know, emails that leave a lasting impression are not only easy to initiate and create, but also require very little effort after they have been sent. This makes them perfect for keeping in touch even when you don’t have much time, or no time at all!

It’s hard to remember everything, and sometimes there are just too many messages coming in to make sure every piece gets seen and actioned- I would say that’s totally normal. That’s what apps like Gmail and Outlook are for- reminder services that help keep you organized.

But aside from being overpopulated with messages, there may be other reasons why people drop off communication channels like email. Sometimes, someone might get busy and forget to respond, or maybe they’re still trying to figure out how to best reply to you. Either way, staying top of mind becomes more difficult as time goes by.

Luckily, there are some foolproof ways to reestablish contact if needed. Read on to learn about eight powerful tips for email follow up that will always put yourself first.

Personalize your messages

Overly formal emails are annoying to recipients. If you find yourself in a situation where you have to send out an email, it is best to use templates or pre-written materials that other people created before.

Email marketing tools such as MailChimp can help you do this. They offer good quality, cost effective services for beginners starting their own business.

By using their templates and settings, you will be able to update and personalize the message content easily.

Tell them what to expect next

When you do not respond to their message or email, they may assume something about you that is negative. They may think that you are no longer interested in their company, that you have lost respect for them, or that you do not care about their business.

When they hear from you again, it can be hard to win back their trust and confidence.

Tell them clearly what to expect next so that they know what to prepare for.

This way, they will not be surprised by your upcoming meeting or conversation. Avoid “lazy” follow up practices like saying nothing at all!

Let them know when and where your next meeting or event will take place, and mention any potential guests or attendees. If there are kids involved, tell them if they want to come, too!

By letting people know how and when you will meet with them, they will feel more prepared and able to ask questions without feeling nervous or uncomfortable.

Connect with them on a personal level

After youve sent your message, it is very important to connect with them on a personal level to see if they would like to speak with you or not. You can do this by responding to their comments or messages!

If you notice that someone didn’t respond to your email then chances are they have fallen off of your list or they don’t want to be contacted at the moment.

Don’t take it too hard; we all get busy from time to time.

Ask for their opinion on something

This is one of the hardest things to do as an email sender, but it’s also one of the most important things you can do. When sending emails, ask yourself how would this feel if they read it? Would it make them feel good or bad?

Your recipients should be able to tell whether your messages are trying to manipulate or motivate them. If you’re just dropping off information, they may not even realize it was sent from someone else!

By asking questions, you give them the chance to reply with either “yes” or “no” without feeling pressured. It also gives them the opportunity to explain why what you said didn’t seem right – very valuable feedback that helps you fix any issues with your message and approach.

And don’t worry about being too direct — some answers will probably go more in-depth than you expect! Many people love giving advice, so try to take all the comments as a way to learn and improve.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that everyone has an opinion! Even if you disagree, at least you now have another person’s perspective.

Ask for their help

Even if you’ve sent an email to someone already, it is always worth checking your mailbox or sending them a quick message to see if there’s anything you can do to help them succeed.

Calling attention to something that they mentioned in their messages or emails may be what they were looking for, so try leaving a comment or asking if there is anything else they should include in their communication.

It’s also important to listen to their responses – are they busy? Is there another person they would like to send this gift to? If yes, offer your services as the second recipient instead!

And finally, check out their social media profiles – are they posting pictures of themselves with the gift? If so, give them some kudos for such nice touches.

Ask yourself these questions and make sure to respond accordingly to get the best results possible.

Give them tips on things to do

One of the hardest parts about staying in touch with people is actually sticking to it- which is why it can be so hard to feel like you’re making progress when you start doing everything that way.

That’s not to say there’s something wrong with this, it’s just a part of reaching out!

It takes a lot of effort to stay in contact consistently, which is why most people give up before they even begin. It’s too easy to get distracted or lose motivation as you try to make your calls and messages stick.

Ask for their feedback on your business

A few days after you sent out an email, ask if they’ve heard from anyone about the item you mentioned in the message. If so, what worked and didn’t work for them? What can you do to make the next one better?

This is a great way to get more helpful information because people love to share success stories. I’ll be honest – it makes them feel good.

And when we talk about making changes to improve your messaging, knowing how well others are doing gives you some inspiration!

Another reason to do this is to find out whether there were any mistakes made that could hinder future messages. You may also learn of things that worked well for someone else.

That kind of insight can help you figure out which items should go into your own collection of messsaging tricks.

Sam J.

Less Talkie Talkie, More Ping Pong.

Published by
Sam J.

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